Seven partners have joined together in the STRADE consortium to address Europe’s raw-material supply.
Oeko-Institut e.V.
Oeko-Institut is a leading European research and consultancy institute working for a sustainable future. Founded in 1977, the institute develops principles and strategies for realising the vision of sustainable development globally, nationally and locally.
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SNL Financial AB
The SNL Financial AB consultancy (formerly Raw Materials Group) unit has over three decades of experience in the resource sector, providing a comprehensive and comparable overview of the current and future state of the mining industry, in both emerging and developed economies. [Click for more information.]
Projekt-Consult GmbH
Projekt-Consult GmbH is a German-based consultancy company working in the field of international cooperation for more than 30 years. Projekt-Consult has gained diverse experience in mining & mineral resources.
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University of Dundee – Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP)
The Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP) of the University of Dundee is an internationally renowned and leading post-graduate school for interdisciplinary studies and research concerning law, policy and the governance of energy and natural resources, with a particular focus on oil and gas, and mining.
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DMT Kai Batla
Kai Batla Minerals Industry Consultants (“KB MIC”) was created in 2008 and, as a leading multidisciplinary consultancy, provides a comprehensive and diverse set of professional services to a broad client base in the minerals and mining sector. [Click for more information.]
The University of the Witwatersrand
The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (Wits) is one of the biggest (and top) Universities in South Africa. Wits has its roots in the South African School of Mines established in Kimberley in 1896 and transferred to Johannesburg in 1904.
[Click for more information.]